​​Piata Muzeului, Cluj-Napoca
​​descriere proiect:
In urma studiilor premergatoare ce au devansat acest demers (istorice, sociale, de trafic, cat si arhitectural-urbanistice) cat si a vizitelor facute in alte orase unde astfel de reabilitari/pietonalizari au avut deja loc cu rezultate deosebite, am ajuns la concluziile descrise mai jos ce au determinat structura efortului nostru.
Putem spune, de asemenea, ca experienta noastra adunata in proiectele similare ne-a ajutat sa alegem mai usor intre o solutie sau alta, in functie de viabilitatea lor in timp, fezabilitate si/ sau raportul dintre efortul depus si efectul scontat.
Un spatiu urban de calitate este caracterizat, la nivel perceptibil, de :
-ritm de viata – dat de specificul folosirii spatiului cit si
de memoria locului transmisa la nivelul constiintei colective a comunitatii - prin fondul construit si elementele monumentale ce marcheaza diferite evenimente sau personalitati importante ale urbei
-densitate echilibrata – data de respectarea reglementarilor folosirii spatiului in stricta legatura cu restul tesutului urban
-relatia cu mediul ( prezenta/absenta vegetatiei, perceptia directa a elementelor primare - lumina [insorire/umbrire], apa, pamint, vegetatie,etc.)
Totodata, la nivelul viabilitatii unui spatiu urban se pune problema integrarii in intregul ansamblul urban , a infrastructurii, a traficului auto si pietonal, a rezolvarii unor probleme ce scapa trecatorului sau soferului atunci cind sunt bine puse la punct dar sunt acut percepute cind ele lipsesc(de ex: apele pluviale, pardosirea, parcarile, iluminatul stradal, mobilier urban, igiena,etc).
Museum Square, Cluj-Napoca
project description:
Following prior studies that have preceded this approach (historical, social, traffic, architectural and urban) and visits made ​​in other cities where such rehabilitation / pedestrianization have already taken place with outstanding results, we come to the conclusions described below that determined the structure of our effort.
We can also say that our cumulated experience in similar projects helped us to choose between a solution or another, depending on their viability over time, feasibility and / or the relationship between effort and effect.
A high quality urban area is characterized, at a discernible level by the following elements :
- lifes pace - "imposed" by the specific use of space as well
as the collective memory of the place sent to the collective consciousness of the community - through the built environment and monumental elements that mark important events or personalities of the city.
- balanced density - using space and construction in strict compliance with regulations related to the rest of the urban tissue.
-relationship with the environment (presence / absence of vegetation, direct perception of the primary elements - light [sunlight / shadow], water, land, vegetation, etc.).
Also, when talking about the viability of urban space we need to keep in mind the ensamble as a whole: urban infrastructure, automotive and pedestrian traffic, and other such aspects that seem to be missing when everything functions as a whole but are very acutley percived when absent (eg rainwater, Flooring, parking, street lighting, street furniture, hygiene, etc.).