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Panou de catarat

Panou de catarat

Panou de catarat

Panou de catarat
​​Panou de catarat
categorie | category:
Design de obiect | Object design
titlu lucrare | work title: ​
Panou de catarat | Climbing Panel
loc | place:
Targu Mures, Romania | Targu Mures, Romania
(panou itinerant)
autor(i) | author(s):
Arh.Horatiu Racasan; Arh. Anamaria Popa; Arh. Horatiu Dicoi
colaborator(i) | collaborator(s):
Echipa RAUM
structuri | structural engineering:
Dr. Ing. Dan Turda
an realizare | year of completition: 2010
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