Libraria Carturesti
descriere proiect:
In acest proiect am incercat sa punem impreuna acele ingrediente ce fac diferenta dintre un loc normal si un spatiu la moda, in sprijinul celui dintai. Prin dozari discrete, materiale naturale (placute la vazut, atins si mirosit) si atentie pentru cel ce parcurge (sau se opreste in) acest loc, am incercat sa nu iesim in evidenta cu nimic ce ar deturna atentia omului de la scopul vizitei sale aici - cartea si “dichisul”.
Interventia noastra s-a rezumat la a propune suportul pentru o atmosfera tihnita, specifica lecturii si degustarii unei cesti de ceai.
Restul? nu mai conteaza pana la urma.
Carturesti Book Store
project description:
In this project we tried to put together those ingredients that make the difference between a normal place and a trendy space, focusing on the first one. With discreet doses, natural materials (with nice aspect, touch and smell), giving attention on the one that passes though this space or stops in it, we tried to avoid anything egregious that will keep the attention from the real purpose of being here- the books.
Our intervention resumed to support the quiet atmosphere appropriate for reading and tea tasting.
The rest? Doesn't matter in the end.