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Gradina RAUM


descriere proiect:
   Acest proiect nu este altceva decat consecinta “colonizarii” (asimilarii)  unui spatiu neingrijit, de catre o echipa de arhitecti ce lucreaza in cladirea alaturata.
   Tinta a fost un spatiu de intalnire/ loc tihnit/ loc de popas aflat la limita intre public si privat, un spatiu destinat atat pietonilor cat si arhitectilor (si celor ce vor veni dupa ei) ce lucreaza/ traiesc in aceasta cladire sau trec pe strada O. Goga.
   Interventia consta in nascocirea si punerea in valoare a unor “buzunare” legate intre ele, cu grade diferite de insorire, intimitate si mobilare, menite sa deserveasca o varietate cat mai mare de “useri” aflati in diferite stari.
   Materiale folosite au rezultat din reciclarea de deseuri de sticla, donatii de blocuri de piatra si refolosirea grinzilor ce apartin echipei de arhitecti, in configuratii dictate atat de loc cat si de dimensiunile materialelor aflate astfel la dispozitie.
  De asemenea agrementarea spatiului a presupus si “plantarea” unor machete de arhitectura si obiecte de iluminat ce dau un plus de identitate si atmosfera locului.
   S-au realizat astfel: poarta, pardoselile, mobilierul, iluminatul, 80 % din zonele verzi, sistematizarea pe verticala, repararea canalizarii, securizarea spatiului, etc.
    Un alt obiectiv este locul/ experiment cu obiecte/ materiale deja prezente sau altele care vor mai aparea pe parcurs, facand din aceasta gradina un mic laborator/ atelier experimental/ loc de joaca pentru arhitecti si (nu numai) prietenii lor.

RAUM Garden

project description:
   This project is nothing but the result of the "colonization" of a neglected place by a team of architects that work in the nearby building.
   The target was a meeting space / quiet place / resting place at the boundary between public and private space for both pedestrians and architects (and those who come after them) who work / live in this building or walk on O. Goga street.
   Their intervention consists of conceiving and valuing of some "pockets" linked together, with varying degrees of sunlight, privacy and furniture, designed to serve a variety of "users" that are in various moods.
   The materials used have resulted from the recycling of glass waste, donations of stone blocks and reuse of beams belonging to the team of architects, in configurations dictated by the place and the sizes of materials thus available.
   Also, turning this into a leisure place implied "planting" of architecture scale models and lighting objects that add some more identity and atmosphere  to the place.
   Another purpose is the place / experiment with objects / materials already available or others that will occur further on, making this garden a small lab / experimental workshop / playground for architects and (not only) their friends.

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