​​Concurs Luanda
​​descriere proiect:
Acest proiect de concurs a pornit prin incercarea de a intelege in ce ar consta "normalitatea" locuirii in Luanda contemporana. Astfel, studiul premergator propunerii s-a axat pe eforturi de a intelege motivatia locuirii in forma actuala, fara a permite influenta unor concepte arhitecturale "cool". In schimb, s-a incercat utilizarea pozitiva a conditiilor nefaste din Angola spre avantajul conceperii casei si totodata activarea memoriei locului si a identitatii locale a persoanelor carora le este adresat proiectul. Aditional, ca aspect practic, s-a incercat obtinerea unei constructii ieftine, folositoare si posibil de executat in contextul dat.
Solutia arhitecturala propune o dispunere centrata a incaperilor, in jurul camerei de zi, care este in contact direct cu patio-ul. Constructiv, peretii exteriori, grosi si portanti, sunt realizati din lut dispus pe o retea de bete de bambus, care functioneaza drept armatura si structura suport.
Acoperisul, aproape plat, are si rolul de suport pentru panouri fotovoltaice. Urbanistic, asezarea caselor urmeaza modelul caracteristic al satului angolez, propunand o asezare concentrica, in jurul unui spatiu central deschis, destinat intregii comunitati si activitatilor acesteia.
Luanda competition
project description:
This design, for an architectural contest, started by trying to understand what would be "normal" contemporary living in Luanda. The preceding study proposal focused on efforts to understand the motivation of housing in its current form, without allowing the influence of "cool" architectural concepts. Instead, we tried to use positively the adverse conditions of Angola for the benefit of designing the house and enabling the local memory and identity of the people to whom this project is addressed. Additionally, as a practical matter, we attempted to obtain a cheap construction, useful and possible to build in the given context.
The architectural solution proposes a centered layout of the rooms, around the living room, which is in direct contact with the patio. As far as construction is concerned, the exterior walls, thick and load bearing are made of clay disposed on a web of bamboo sticks which acts as reinforcement and as a support structure.
The roof, almost flat, has the additional role of supporting photovoltaic panels. Urbanistically, the placement of the houses in the village follows the typical Angolan characteristics, proposing a concentric settlement, around an open central space for the whole community and its activities.