Casa Tzucu
Descriere proiect:
Situarea pe versantul sudic al dealului Hoia nu ofera avantaje doar din punctul de vedere al insoririi, ea este privilegiata si prin prisma panoramei oferite. In consecinta, solutia de principiu consta in deschiderea maximala catre priveliste si catre lumina naturala – spre Sud, contrapusa unei imagini cat mai discrete si cat mai camuflate in peisajul natural – in amonte, spre Nord. Alaturarea acestor doua deziderate a dat nastere unei compozitii fluide (care se naste si creste din panta naturala a terenului) , retezata vertical, geometric-ortogonal pe latura sudica, pentru a obtine maximul de suprafata vitrata spre panorama.
Panta naturala accentuata a terenului, cuplata cu drumul de acces situat in amonte fata de parcela in cauza a determinat un tip particular de rezolvare a spatiului interior. Zona de zi (bucatarie, loc de luat masa, living room) este situata la cota strazii si constituie nivelul superior al casei, in timp ce zona de noapte – dormitoarele si spatiile anexe acestora –sunt dispuse la nivelul inferior al casei, in directa legatura cu gradina, devenita astfel un spatiu intim al familiei.
Materialitatea casei este constituita din doua elemente principale: piatra (tuf vulcanic) imbraca corpul curb, fluid al casei, oferindu-i vizual masivitate si stabilitate, pe care se aseaza volumul ortogonal, suplu, al terasei din lemn masiv. Ca invelitoare, acoperisul vegetal subliniaza volumetria fluida, ca excrescenta a versantului, oferind de asemenea discretie prin camuflarea in peisajul (inca) nederanjat al versantului. La nivel macro, mici intarsii din foietaj de sticla – pe alocuri, sub forma unor traforuri sau punctual, dispuse (aparent) aleatoriu in diferite colturi ale casei, asteptand sa fie descoperite de locuitor sau vizitatori - ofera un desen jucaus al luminii: ziua, de la exterior la interior si viceversa seara, ca si in alte proiecte RAUM.
Pe scurt, casa Tzucu nu este altceva decat o casa obisnuita pentru o familie contemporana, imbracand “haina potrivita pentru ocazia potrivita”.
Tzucu House
Project description:
Being situated on the southern slope of the Hoia hills not only offers advantages in terms of sunshine, it is also privileged through the offered panorama. Consequently, the solutions principle is based on maximum opening to view and natural light - to the South, as opposed to its discrete and camouflaged presence into the natural landscape - to the north. Joining these two goals gave birth to a fluid composition (that is born and grows out of the natural slope of the land), sliced verticaly and geometrically on the southern side, to obtain the maximum glass surface.
The steep natural slope of the land, coupled with the access road uphill of the parcel in question led to a particular type of interior space. The living area (kitchen, dining room, living room) is located at street level and represents the upper level of the house. The sleeping area - the bedrooms and their annexes , are arranged on the lower level of the house, directly connected to the garden, making it an intimate family space.
The materials used consist of two main elements: rock (tuff) used for the fluid, curved shapes of the house, giving it visual massiveness and stability, on top of which the geometric volume of the wooden terrace is placed. The green roofing, underlines the fluid volume and also offeres a discreet disguise in the landscape that is yet undisturbed. At a macro level, small glass punctures are used at random at first glance in different parts of the house, waiting to be discovered by the inhabitants or visitors - they offer a playful light show both from the inside-out at night and outside-in during daytime, as in other RAUM projects.
In short, Tzucu house is nothing more than an appropriate home for a contemporary family, wearing the "right clothes for the right occasion.'