Bordei deluxe
Descriere proiect:
Transilvania este plina de versanti abrupti cu panorame deosebite. Locurile aparte cer solutii pe masura. In cazurile de fata am incercat, la randul nostru, sa punem impreuna omul si locul, sperand ca din aceasta alaturare sa rezulte un spatiu firesc. De fiecare data, dificultatile intampinate si restrictiile de orice fel (de legislatie, structurale, de buget) n-au facut decat sa ne dea un nou impuls in“slefuirea” gandului de inceput.
Desi au trecut 4ani de la implicarea in acest gen de proiecte, de fiecare data descoperim lucruri noi in fiecare loc in care suntem chemati sa intervenim. Caracteristica arhitecturala de baza a acestor proiecte este compunerea unor forme geometrice simple cu topologiile locului, ca extensii a peisajului natural, avand la baza trasee regulatoare traditionale.
Half underground half cantilever
Project description:
Transylvania is full of steep slopes with great views. This special places need special solutions. In this case we tried to put together man and space, hoping that from this mix to get a normal space. In this process all the difficulties and restraints of all kind, legislation, structure or budget, have the effect of mobilizing us to further the idea we've begined with.
Although 4 years have passed since our implication in this type of projects, we discover new things every time we are called to intervene. The architectural characteristic at the base of these projects is the juxtaposition of simple geometric shapes that hold the vicinities typology, as extensions of the natural landscape, originating from traditional regulatory pathways.