​​Casa Prototip
​​descriere proiect:
Acest proiect, aflat in continuare in faza de studiu si optimizare, incearca obtinerea unei locuinte-tip pentru o familie cu 3-4 membri, la costuri relativ reduse, aplicabil oriunde in clima temperata a Europei.
Obiectivul acestui proiect este de a realiza o constructie de lemn complet modulata, din elemente simple, repetabile, dimensionate astfel incat sa faciliteze obtinerea unui pachet complet de elemente gata pentru asamblare, transportabil facil oriunde. Se urmareste optimizarea pentru productia de serie intr-o fabrica de profil (constructii din lemn), reducand atat costurile materialelor si de productie, prin inseriere.
Prin arhitectura propusa, casa beneficiaza de toate spatiile obisnuite necesare unei locuiri la standarde actuale, avand un nivel de calitate mediu-ridicat, fiind versatila prin multiplele posibilitati de adaptare la conditii variate de sit, insorire, vant, vecinatati. Materialele propuse urmaresc concomitent o constructie eco-friendly si o izolare termica superioara – termoizolatie organica regenerabila nepoluanta (lana, canepa, baloti de paie, fibre lemnoase, etc.)
Prototype House
project description:
This project, which is still in the study and optimization phase , is trying to become a "type" home for a family with 3-4 members at relatively low cost, applicable anywhere in temperate Europe.
The objective of this project is to achieve a fully modulated wooden building made from simple elements, repeatable and sized so that it can facilitate getting a complete package of components ready for assembly and easy transportation anywhere. It aims to be optimized for mass production in a wood factory , reducing both material and production costs, because of it being a series product.
Through the proposed architecture, the house has all the space needed for conventional dwelling to current standards, with a medium-high level of quality and is versatile with many possibilities to adapt to varying site conditions, sunlight, wind, surrounding conditions. Simultaneously the proposed construction materials aim for both eco-friendliness and superior thermal insulation - clean renewable organic insulation (wool, hemp, straw bales, wood fiber, etc..)