​​Casa lacustra
Descriere proiect:
Acest proiect a luat nastere din dorinta unui client de a avea o cabana plutitoare, mobila pe care sa o poata locui si folosi pe luciul de apa, in anotimpul cald, avand la dispozitie un buget extrem de redus. Astfel, s-a propus o structura de lemn cu un singur nivel, cu dotari minime, care incearca o adaptare a functiunilor unei cabane pentru dispunerea pe un suport plutitor.
Luand in considerare aspecte ce tin de masa si de distribuirea uniforma a acesteia, s-a concretizat proiectul de fata, reusind sa inglobeze acomodari pentru dormit, o chicineta, un grup sanitar, depozitari si compartimente tehnice.
Proiectul se afla in executie, necesitand un grad ridicat de precizie in executie, mai ales in ceea ce priveste infrastructura, suportul.
House on a lake
Project description:
This project was born from the desire of a client to have a floating cabin that he can inhabit and use on the water during the warm season, on an extremely low budget. Thus, we proposed a wooden structure with a single level, with minimal equipment, which tries to adapt the functions of a cabin to a suitable layout for a floating support.
Considering aspects such as mass and its uniform distribution, this project materialised in the shown form, managing to incorporate accommodations for sleeping, a small kitchen, a bathroom, storage spaces and technical compartiments.
The project is currently being built, requiring a high degree of precision in execution, especially in terms of infrastructure, the floating base.