​​Casa Iacob, Cluj-Napoca
​​descriere proiect:
Dimensiunile reduse ale lotului, vecinatatile apropiate si cerintele de spatiu ale beneficiarilor au ridicat problema intimitatii acestei locuinte. Ca solutie la acest aspect, configuratia propusa creaza doua incinte, doua curti, una la strada, cealalta in fundul lotului, inconjurate de elemente proprii casei, ceea ce asigura intimitatea. Planimetria in T a casei permite crearea a doua laturi pentru fiecare dintre aceste curti, in timp ce a treia latura este asigurata prin dispunerea a doua rampe vegetate pe limita de proprietate, rampe ce acopera spatiile tehnice si pastreaza, in acelasi timp, continuitatea spatiului gradinii (legatura celor doua curti) in relatie cu spatiul interior de la ambele nivele ale casei.
Ca planimetrie, zona de zi ocupa nivelul inferior, camera de zi fiind amplasata intre cele doua curti, pentru a beneficia de ambele spatii. Zona de noapte, formata din 3 dormitoare si anexele corespunzatoare, se desfasoara la nivelul superior, dar beneficiaza si ea in mod direct, gratie rampelor vegetate si a invelitorii vegetate de deasupra camerei de zi, de gradina casei.
In ceea ce priveste finisajele, a fost aleasa piatra tuf vulcanic drept finisaj pentru nivelul inferior si placajul de lemn pentru nivelul superior. Invelitoarea este in sistem vegetat.
Iacob House, Cluj-Napoca
project description:
The small size of the lot, the disposal of the near vecinities as well as the space requirements of the beneficiaries raised the issue of privacy for this home. As a solution to this aspect, the proposed configuration creates two spaces, two courtyards, one towards the street, the other in the back of the lot, surrounded by elements of the house, ensuring privacy. The T-shaped planimetry of the house allows the creation of two sides for each of these courts, while the third side is ensured by two green ramps placed on the property boundary, covering the technical spaces and assuring, at the same time, continuity of the garden space (the connection between the two yards) in relation to the interior at both floors of the house.
Regarding the interior configuration, the daytime living area occupies the lower level, with the living room located between the two courtyards, for the benefit of both spaces. The night-time area, consisting of 3 bedrooms and annexes, is held on the upper level, but also benefits directly from the garden thanks to the green ramps and green roof of the living room.
In terms of finishes, tuff stone was chosen as a finish for the lower level while wood covers the upper level. The roof, once more uses a vegetate extensive sistem.