​​Casa Diudea
Descriere proiect:
Un lot lung si ingust a "obligat" arhitectul la o solutie particulara de integrare in peisaj si in setul de constrangeri urbanistice. Rezultatul a adus un plus de confort si de identitate ansamblului, compus dintr-un volum prismatic rectangular compact ce adaposteste casa propriu-zisa si o extensie care face trecerea treptata de la spatiul interior la spatiul exterior. Aceasta extensie, trecuta in faza de proiectare prin nenumarate variante mai introvertite sau extrovertite, s-a concretizat intr-un final la fata locului intr-o forma minimala (2 pile imbracate in piatra de care s-au suspendat panze translucide), asumandu-si rolul de terasa exterioara/velarium.
La interior, spatiile luminoase si mobilate contemporan, viu-colorat, sunt organizate in jurul unui hol cu casa scarii amplu, animat de detalii jucause.
Acoperisul vegetat circulabil, accesibil urcand din holul central aduce un plus de calitate locuintei, redand gradinii suprafata verde pierduta prin constructie si daruind familiei inca un spatiu utilizabil placut, cu un grad diferit de intimitate.
​​Diudea House
Project description:
A long and narrow plot "constrained" the architect to a particular solution of integration into the landscape and into the set of urban regulations. The result brought added comfort and overall identity to the building, consisting of a compact rectangular prismatic volume that houses the living spaces and an extension that makes the gradual transition from the interior to the exterior. This extension, which during the design phase had several variants, some more extroverted, others more introverted, finally resulted in minimal form (two stone pillars that hold up a translucent fluid-form awning), assuming the role of terrace/velarium.
Inside, the bright spaces, furnished with contemporary, lively-colored pieces, are organized around a large hall with staircase, animated by playful details.
The green roof, accessible by climbing from the central hall, adds further quality to the house ensemble, by giving back to the garden the surface lost through construction and giving the family another usable space with a different degree of privacy.