​​Casa din deal
Descriere proiect:
O casa care incearca sa profite de toate avantajele date de sit, de posibilitatile tehnice si de incercarea arhitectilor de a transforma si (aparentele) dezavantaje in avantaje. Dorintele beneficiarilor, venite in sprijinul arhitectilor, au fost de a avea o imagine nu de cladire, ci de gradina in interiorul careia se intrevede disimulata si locuinta. Acest lucru a fost vadit avantajat de relief, insorire si configuratia lotului.
House in a hill
Project description:
A house that tries to take advantage of all the benefits given by the site, the technical possibilities and the architects attempt to transform (the apparent) disadvantages into advantages. The desires of the clients, which helped the architects, were not to have a building, but a garden in which a disguised house is looming. This aspect was obviously advantaged by the topology of the terrain, by the sunshine and the configuration of the lot.