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​​Casa cu pian


Descriere proiect:


   Situata pe un versant sudic, in mediul rural transilvan, casa cu pian incearca o abordare cat mai ecologica si cat mai bine adaptata peisajului si conditiilor terenului, in acelasi timp incadrandu-se intr-un buget relativ redus.

   Organizata pe doua nivele, casa pentru un cuplu inedit va fi realizata din structura de lemn, cu elevatii din baloti de paie (si zidarie de piatra la contactul cu pamantul) si invelitoare vegetata in sistem extensiv.

   Organizarea spatiilor interioare se muleaza pe formula cu doua nivele, demisolul adapostind dormitoarele si dependintele acestora, impreuna cu spatiul tehnic, in timp ce parterul, foarte vitrat si deschis spre exterior, atat in amonte cat si in aval, isi asuma rolul de spatiu de zi, continand camera de zi, bucataria, baia de serviciu si camera de muzica.

   Ca volumetrie, corpul rectangular al casei este racordat la relief si integrat in peisaj prin adaugarea a doua rampe vegetate, care adapostesc intre ele un mic amfiteatru amenajat peisager, destinat micilor recitale de pian, sub ele dezvoltandu-se spatiul de parcare al masinii si respectiv o depozitare.

   Cele doua rampe vegetate, continuate de acoperisul verde, bordat de jardiniere cu plante curgatoare, transforma casa dintr-un obiect amplasat intr-o aparenta forma de relief particulara.


House with piano
Project description:


   Situated on a southern slope in rural Transylvania, the Piano House is attempting to be as ecological and adapted landscape and terrain conditions as possible, while complying with a relatively low budget.

  Organized on two levels, the house for a unique couple will be erected on a wooden structure, with elevations of straw bales (and stone masonry, where in contact with the earth) and a green roof.

   The interior spatial organization fits the formula with two levels, by arranging all the night spaces and their annexes, along with the technical space in the lower level, while the ground floor, very glazed and open towards the outside, both uphill and downhill, assumes the role of daytime living space, containing the living room, kitchen, bathroom and the music room.

   With regard to shape, the rectangular body of the house is connected to the slope and integrated into the landscape by adding two green ramps, harboring in between them a small amphitheater for small piano recitals and underneath, the parking space and storage space.

   The two green ramps, continued with the green roof, transform the look of the house from the appearence of an artificially added object to that of a particular landform appearance.

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