​​Casa Chitila
Descriere proiect:
Solutia propusa pentru acest proiect este rezultatul negocierilor intre multipli factori determinanti, impusi de configuratia lotului si a vecinatatilor, de insorire si de abordarea arhitecturala. Astfel, casa s-a nascut ca o rezultanta a incercarilor de compatibilizare si punere in valoare a peisajului, profitand de proximitatea lacului, a conditiilor de lumina naturala, a vecinatatilor proximale, a faptului ca locatia se afla intr-o zona seismica, a pantei naturale a terenului si a nevoii de intimitate.
Toti acesti factori, impreuna cu dorinta de a obtine o arhitectura contemporana eco-friendly, au dat nastere acestei locuinte.
Chitila House
Project description:
The solution proposed for this project is the result of negotiations between multiple determinants, imposed by the lot configuration and its surroundings, by sunlight and the architectural approach. The house was born as a result of the architect's attempts at compatibility and enhancement of the qualities of the landscape, taking advantage of the proximity of the lake, the natural light conditions, the proximal neighborhoods, the fact that the location is in a seismic zone, the natural slope of the terrain and the need for privacy.
All these factors, together with the desire to obtain an eco-friendly contemporary architecture, gave birth to this home.