Banca fixa din sticla
descriere proiect:
Acest obiect ambiental/ utilitar a luat nastere in cursul cautarilor din ciclul “TROABA” pentru noi piese de mobilier urban destinate spatiilor publice pietonale.
Banca are la baza o fundatie fixa din 2 piese de B.A. - necesara suprastructurii din lamele de sticla de 5 mm – 8 mm grosime grosime si lungimi variabile, 4 pereti din lamele de sticla si un “capac” idem, care functioneaza pe ambele dimensiuni ca niste veritabile grinzi lamelare.
Supunand-o la incarcari, banca a rezistat la o sarcina de 200 kg si la socuri mecanice fara probleme. Fiind din sticla pusa pe cant, e dificil de vandalizat, patat, spart.
Dualitatea disimulata a compozitiei este completata/ pusa in valoare de corpul de iluminat “ascuns” in pantecele obiectului. Lumina acestuia e filtrata de lamelele de sticla fiind imprastiata jur-imprejurul bancii, practic fiind vorba de o banca ce “contine” si corpul de iluminare, aparat astfel de intemperii si vandalizare.
Acest obiect poate fi folosit ca element “reper” in puncte modale ale spatiilor urbane pietonale, in spatiile de bus/tren , in parcuri, gradini publice, etc.
In cazul de fata el si-a gasit locul intr-unul din “buzunarele” gradinutei de arhitectura, marcand seara accesul in cladire dinspre gradina.
Fixed glass bench
project description:
This ambient/ utilitary object was born during the search cycle "TROABA" for new furniture for urban pedestrian spaces .
The bench is based on a foundation set of two pieces of concrete – Necessary for superstructure of glass plates 5 mm - 8 mm thickness and lengths, 4 stained glass walls and a "cover" ditto, functioning on both dimensions like laminated beams.
Subjecting it to loads, the bench has resisted a load of 200 kg and mechanical shocks without any problems. Glass is placed on the edge, it's difficult vandalized, stained, broken.
The disguised duality of the composition is highlighted by the "hidden" lighting object in its womb. Its light is filtered by the glass slides and scattered all around the bench, basically it is a bench that "contains" the lighting device thus protecting it from the weather and vandalism.
This object can be used as a "landmark" in modal points of urban spaces for pedestrians, in bus and train stops, parks, public gardens, etc..
In this case the bench has found its place in one of the "pockets" of the architecture garden , marking the building access from the garden during the evenings.