​​Anvelope vegetate pentru mediu urban
​​descriere proiect:
Acoperirea anvelopei unei cladiri cu un strat de vegetatie + termoizolatie organica (lana sau canepa compactata, ignifugata si tratata antifungic) are avantaje concrete si semnificative in ceea ce priveste izolarea termica si fonica a cladirii, precum si in ceea ce priveste prelungirea duratei de viata a elementelor de constructie expuse mediului exterior.
Prin inverzirea fatadelor, sistemul contribuie la imbunatatirea calitatii aerului, fixarea dioxidului de carbon si eliberarea oxigenului in atmosfera, normalizarea gradului de umiditate, reducerea temperaturii ambientale, fixarea prafului.
In urma calculelor efectuate in cadrul studiilor de specialitate, se poate afirma ca fatadele inverzite + termoizolatia organica au un rol important in cresterea performantei energetice a cladirilor, astfel ca acest nou sistem ar putea inlocui cu succes "polistirenuirea" blocurilor, la preturi comparative.
Prin intermediul sistemelor de fatade vegetate, cartierele alcatuite din blocuri si din spatii lipsite de repere pot aspira la atribuirea unei identitati. Se pot realiza numeroase combinatii de plante si flori, in proportii variate, pentru fiecare bloc in parte, la alegerea locatarilor; astfel, ei se vor putea identifica mai usor cu locul in care traiesc, participand activ la intretinerea si infrumusetarea acestuia.
Este important de stiut ca suprafetele cu potential de vegetare ale unui cvartal de blocuri au un efect asupra mediului inconjurator similar cu cel al unui parc de dimensiuni medii.
Documentatia completa realizata de RAUM cu privire la acest subiect poate fi descarcata gratuit de aici:
Rezumatul acestei documentatii se afla aici:
Green envelopes for the urban environment
project description:
Covering the outside of a building with a layer of vegetation + organic thermal insulation (compacted wool or hemp, fireproofed and treated against fungi and insects) has significant and tangible benefits in terms of thermal and acoustic insulation of the building, as well as in terms of prolonging the building's lifespan, more accurately prolonging the lifespan of the construction elements exposed to the external environment.
The facade greening system contributes to improvement of air quality, fixation of carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere, humidity balance, temperature reduction in the urban environment, dust fixation.By calculations done in scientific studies worldwide, it can be stated that green facades (+ organic thermal insulation) can play an important role in increasing the energetic performance of buildings, so that this new system could successfully replace the use of polystyrene as thermal insulation in our country, at competitive pricing.
Through the use of vegetated facades systems, large urban neighbourhoods in our country (composed of large living units and anonymous public spaces) can aspire to assert an identity. By making numerous combinations of plants and flowers in varying proportions on each building, the inhabitants could more easily identify themselves with the area, actively participating in its maintenance and beautification.
It is important to note that, according to scientific studies, the vegetation surface of a block of buildings is said to have the same effect on the local environment and air quality as a medium-sized park.
RAUM's full documentation done on this topic can be downloaded for free here:
Summary of this documentation can be found here, also free to download and distribute: